Hello! I'm Rachel Widome

I am an epidemiologist and Professor in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health at the University of Minnesota.

My research

I study how social and economic conditions influence chronic disease-related behaviors (such as eating, sleep, and tobacco use) and how policy impacts population health across the life course. I am the principal investigator of the START, LEARN, and PLACE natural experiment studies, which are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The epi MPH @ Minnesota

I direct the epidemiology Master's of Public Health (MPH) program here at the University of Minnesota's School of Public Health.

Teaching and advising

I teach two graduate-level epidemiology methods classes, PubH 6320, "Fundamentals of Epidemiology" and PubH 6342, "Epidemiology Methods 2." I also advise students in our masters, doctoral, and postdoctoral programs.

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